+251 911 725 317 info@rtnethiopia.org
•Total no of ECD centers= 9
•The centers are furnished with indoor and outdoor play materials and Montessori kits.
•All the centers have sex disaggregated toilets
•They are serving 360 children’s every year
•Children’s attending the centers are served with snack provision every day.
•Currently a total of 360 children’s are attending the centers
•M= 206 F=154
•There are 17 ECD teachers
•M= 9 F= 8
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ECD Centers Construction, Furnishing & Services
•Total no of ECD centers= 9
•The centers are furnished with indoor and outdoor play materials and Montessori kits.
•All the centers have sex disaggregated toilets
•They are serving 360 children’s every year
•Children’s attending the centers are served with snack provision every day.
•Currently a total of 360 children’s are attending the centers
•M= 206 F=154
•There are 17 ECD teachers
•M= 9 F= 8
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